Well, it's been a while since we have updated this. Quite a bit has happened in the last few months, so I'll give a brief overview. In February we moved from our apartment into a rental house. It's probably twice the size of our apartment and has lots of open space for Abby to roll around. We also have a large fenced yard and a garden. Dustin has spent lots of time in the garden and recently put in an irrigation system. The plants have loved the hot weather and now it's looking a lot like a jungle! Unfortunately, the aphids took over the broccoli so none of it has been edible, but we've had lots of lettuce and strawberries and a few carrots so far.
Finally...an update!
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Monday, July 16, 2007
We sold the Mercedes (it turned out to be very unreliable) and got a '77 VW bus. It needs some interior and exterior work, but it runs well and Dustin drives it to work. We hope to gradually turn it into a campmobile.
Abby is becoming less like a baby and more like a little girl every day. She'll be 11 mon
ths old on Friday! She rolls or scoots wherever she wants to go, and there is rarely a dull (or quiet) moment around here. She eats like crazy! Her favorite food groups are paper and shoes, but she'll eat anything we feed her :) We got a cat, and Abby loves her. The feeling isn't mutual, but the cat is tolerant and loves the attention.
Dustin still like his job. The last few weeks were a bit slow and he had some unexpected time off, but we enjoyed having him around. He is currently working toward getting his flight instructor rating, and recently finished a ground school class through PCC. He also bought a small (tiny!) sailboat (with holes in the bottom!!) and has been fixing it up.
I've been busy trying to keep up with Abby and the housework. The price for a bigger house is extra cleaning! Between Abby and the cat I have to vacuum everyday. I also decided to try canning. So far I've done raspberry sauce and mint jelly. I'm hoping to do a bunch more over the next few weeks.
We are going to camp with Abby for the first time this weekend. It should be an adventure! Especially since we'll be camping in the bus!
I hope to start updating this site every week or so, so make sure to bookmark it! I'm sure I said that last time, but this time I really mean it! :)
-Dustin, Sarah, and Abby
We love you guys and can't wait to hear about the camping trip!!!
-Kenny & Jen
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